Sunday, January 11, 2009

Random Thoughts and Fun Words

Do you ever justify watching House by telling yourself it's just like studying? I do all the time. One episode Cameron was talking about test results and mentioned PT and PTT times. BOOYAH! That prolonged PT time suggests a clotting problem in the extrinsic pathway. (Just now I had to look up which pathway the PT time tests for. That wasn't even that long ago....) Knowing what House is talking about or understanding some disease JD has to deal with on Scrubs give me those little wins that get me through the days. I'd make a reference to Grey's Anatomy, but I've only seen one episode. Share any moments of "I'm becoming a doctor!" in the comments section.

Was anyone else really disappointed that Dr. Michaels's little history lesson on Morgagni wasn't an elaborate lead up to a pun? I was. I paid the most attention to that part of the lecture because I was waiting for a punchline. It wouldn't even have been hard. "And despite the fact that we call them 'rectal columns of Morgagni', he wasn't actually an asshole." Also, he totally took that picture from lecture off of Wikipedia.

I definitely gave the Irish Goodbye last night at Hofbrauhaus. ( I tend to do that a lot, and people here aren't used to it yet. Just because I disappear doesn't mean I'm dead. I probably just walked home. Or, since I was in Covington, I took a cab with a nice Somalian cab driver. I think he was a little freaked out by my level of drunkenness. I also had to try really hard not to ask him about Black Hawk Down.

Words that are fun to say:






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