As I was cabbing to the reception this past weekend, the radio was playing the song 'Colors of the Wind'. "Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon? Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned?" Yeah, that song. I was surprised that I knew nearly all of the lyrics still. I probably haven't heard that song in 6 years, maybe more, but I knew it immediately after hearing one line. There really isn't a punchline to this one, I was just amazed. And if you now have the song stuck in your head, bonus.
I've flown a bunch in the past year or so for interviews and whatnot, and I think the worst part of travelling is just how inconvenient it is now. Individually, I wouldn't care that I have to take off my shoes, or I can't bring water onto the plane, or I have to take my laptop out of it's case, or I can't have rubbing alcohol in my bag, or I have to listen to the damn announcement about not carrying items from 'unknown persons'. But take them all together and it just pisses me off. I've even been pulled aside and searched. I had extra time that trip, so I didn't care, but everything together makes that giant annoying hassle. I don't even mind sitting on an airplane for hours, I just hate all the crap that goes along with getting there. All that and how airlines charge for movies on the plane. Really guys? My $500 ticket couldn't spring for you to let me watch an infilght movie that maybe costs you $5 to show FOR THE ENTIRE PLANE? I know everyone's trying to save/get more money, but making me unhappy just encourages me not to fly.
I like how "Optional Learning Activities" = "Sleeping off a hangover"
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