I hate it when I'm typing a website and I miss a letter or type ".ocm". I feel like my computer should be able to figure that one out. I know it goes to some Road Runner page where it suggests the correct website, but it should just go there and then have a little thing in the corner I can click in case I really meant "goolge.com". Get it together computer, I should have to do as little thinking as possible.
I hate it when I get e-mails from the Gap or Borders about stuff. I know it takes a second to delete, but for some reason it really makes me mad. Maybe it's because I'm all excited I have 10 new e-mails, but only 2 of them I actually care about.

This chart is mostly correct, but it's not that I have no attention span, it's just that LOOK A SQUIRREL!
So, I beat Super Mario Brothers 3 the other day. At the age of 27. I feel like I recaptured part of my youth that had been missing for so long. I'd always get to the last level and get my ass kicked, but I finally outsmarted the AI from 1989 and rescued the princess. The ending was kind of a disappointment, though. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but when you save the princess, after what is obviously the last level of the game, she says, "Nice job, but the real princess is in another castle...just kidding!" Ha ha ha ha. Not funny. That would be like if at the end of the Lord of the Rings, right as he's about to throw the ring into the volcano, a voice bellowed out to Frodo and said, "No. You must throw it in the other volcano over there...just kidding! Now get Golum off your back and finish the trilogy." You've been waiting for me for 27 years! This is NOT the time for jokes.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I like the flow chart for doctors. I'm going to make one for lawyers, so stay tuned.