As easy as it is to think that life doesn't exist anywhere else, there's no way that's true. There's a good chance life exists on one of the moons of Saturn (Titan). It has stable liquid and likely water. Not intelligent life, but life. And with all those galaxies in just some tiny portion of the sky, there are a nearly infinite amount of galaxies out there, each with billions of stars, each with its own set of planets. Life has to exist somewhere else. Intelligent life has to exist somewhere else. We just have to get to it.
Also, the comment that that one galaxy shouldn't exist based on current theories makes me realize just how little we know. We're doing the best with what we have currently, but our theories aren't right, and we know it. There is so much out there we don't know and don't understand, but we keep striving onward. One day we will understand black holes, that galaxy, and how often life occurs, but not today. And not soon. The future holds such great knowledge and promise, I'm almost sad I'll miss it. What we can do today is appreciate the beauty of space and all the bodies it holds. And if you ever get a chance to go to a real observatory and look at the planets through a real telescope, take it. The first time you see Saturn, it'll blow your mind.
If you're interested in what Kurt is talking about, read "The Black Hole War" by Leonard Suskind. It breaks down a lot of really complex theories into understandable terms. It also discusses how we might never find other life out there because of that little rule where you can't go faster than the speed of light. Or even if we discovered life, by the time we communicated back to them, they might all be dead.