Monday, January 12, 2009

Jack is Back

Tonight is the second night of the 2-day, 4 hour premier of 24. When I was in Sri Lanka last year I was in the Cardiothoracic Surgery Unit for a week. They abbreviated it CTU. That was the greatest week of my life. If you're curious the inner working of CTU, follow the link. If you're a 24 fan, you won't be disappointed.

Today in class we revisited my favorite protein, calbindin. I imagine the meeting after they discovered it went a little something like this:

"Congratulations, Dr. Johnson! You just solved a step in the calcium transport pathway. Now, as you know, you get to name the protein. Are you thinking 'Johnson's Transport Protein'? 'Protein of Johnson'? 'Big Doc Johnson's Mystery Factor'?"

"No, I think I'm going to go with 'calbindin'"

*blank stare*

"Really, the protein binds calcium, I can't think of a better name."

"Get out."

A few weeks ago I was eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and when I went to swallow, the chunk got stuck in my esophagus. I wasn't choking, even if I felt like it, it just got stalled on its path to my stomach. After a little bit, the ridiculous feeling of 'I'm going to die' subsided and the food passed into my stomach. That was kinda weird. So in class last week Dr. Giffin (I think) was talking about how after you swallow, it takes about nine seconds before the food actually gets into your stomach. I was like, "Wow, mystery solved." I also drank more water while eating after that.

If you can't remember Ferric from Ferrous, remember that FerrOUS has LESS of a charge. I still remember that from Freshmen year of high school. Also, that makes like no sense if it's written. Say it out loud, it's way better that way.

I've started running again because I feel like I need more cardio in my workouts. The first 3 days were pretty bad, but today went much better. If I distract myself with music, my body doesn't realize what I'm doing, so there's much less complaining. And mind you, I'm only running 2 miles. We have a lot of runners in our class, and I know that's a disappointment. I just hate running. "Haven't you ever gotten the 'runner's high'?" No, never. Not once. It's like explaining drinking to someone who doesn't get drunk, but still pukes from alcohol.
"Dude, drinking's awesome! I feel invincible!"
"No, this is horrible. Why am I doing this?"
"Keep drinking, man, you'll feel it eventually. Let's do shots!"
*Puking loudly*

1 comment:

  1. i'm a runner and never got that runner's high...i usually just feel like i'm going to pass out and every time i wonder why i would do this to myself, then again it is doctors like you who tell me cardio is good for my health and if i don't want to die at the age of 25 from a heart attack then i should run. in attempts to inspire you, at least you are getting 2 miles which is way more than i could do when i started haha! sorry i just got a fun mental image of you running in my head (it was good no worries) :o)
